Feb 12th letter: My companion Elder Eide(I'd) is from Anderson, California, did you receive his letter? He is a very hard worker, knows his scriptures, and loves putting himself out there. He looks like Taylor Lautner funnily enough, but he's quite a bit on the nerdy side, sorry meredith :) haha but no he is awesome, I am so grateful to have a companion like him, we get along really well, and we make an awesome team when we teach lessons. Elder Eide is the oldest of 7 kids, but early in his life he had to take on a fatherly role because his dad died a few years ago. He wasn't very active from the age of 12 to 16, but has become a rock in the church and is super excited about serving a mission.
My district is awesome as well. Dad, as you guessed, I am one of three Idahoans in our 10 man district. Elder Cook, our district leader, is from Rexburg and tells stories of his mountain climbing trips in the Tetons! He's legit! And Elder Finn is from Pocatello, Idaho, and has been good friends with Elder Taysom Hill since Kindergarten! Taysom left for Australia a couple weeks ago, but I talked a little with him while he was here. Gym is a great break from the day, I play basketball and lift weights. I've played ball with Brett Thompson, Josh Hamblin (BYU football). Also, Elder Tialavea from the football team is in my district! Jordan Miller, Terrance Alletto, Trevor Bateman, and Mitch Matthews are all here in the MTC as well.We should be getting a new district in our zone next week, and so I'm really hoping that maybe Brock Hall could be in it! Cuz we've had a ton of Argentina bound elders in our zone. That'd be sick if he is, haha!

From Feb 19:
Well, I have some big news... I am now the new Zone Leader! Me and Elder Cook (our previous district leader), were called last sunday to be the new ZL's! I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve, and also I think what I have really have loved so far is being able to get to know everyone on a more personal level. Also, this week we got a new district added into the zone. We have had a couple districts leave in the past couple weeks, which is always hard, because I became really close with some of the missionaries who left, but it was so awesome to get a new district. The best part was that Elder Cook and I were the ones to wlecome them into the MTC and show them how everything works, show them their rooms, the rules, the awesome experiences they would be having, and we also took them on a tour around the MTC grounds. It was so fun! It's really funny though, I don't know if I mentioned this to you before, but Elder Tialavea from the football team is in my zone. He is a 22 year old big huge nose tackle going to Chile. So parker, Elder Tialavea says hi and wants you to know how weird he thinks it is to have me as his Zone Leader!! haha. But in all seriousness, I am really lookin forward to continuing my service here as zone leader for the next 6 weeks, Elder Cook is such a stud (from Rexburg). I guess it's true that they grow 'em well in Idaho!! Elder Cook grew up working on a farm a ton, so he is such a hard worker, I only hope I can become like he is.
Well, let's see... I can't believe that you are all packin up and headin to a new house!! crazy, but again, I can't thank you enough for all the mail that I have received this week, it has been great :)
Elder Eide is doing awesome. He is such a scripture MASTER! We work really well together. During my time here in the MTC, I have been given the opportunity to give 2 priesthood blessings. Elder Eide asked me for one, and also the new district leader for this new district asked me as well to administer one to him. I was so grateful for the opportunity, and the spirit I felt during each one was incredible. Some of the words I said were simply not mine, but those of the spirit. I can truly testify of that, it was amazing. This whole MTC experience is amazing too!I am learning a ton, and I especially enjoy our P-days. We go to the temple every Friday morning, and I cannot wait to go to the temple because it is such an awesome place, and the spirit is freaking strong every single time, I love it!! Of course I miss you all, but I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else right now, this is some sick stuff, missionary work. I am growing a ton, I am super stoked to go to Texas, and our district has become so close in these past weeks. just the other day, we had to say goodbye to Elder Finn (Pocatello) and Elder Wendler (Farmington, Utah), because they headed down to the Dominican republic MTC for the remaining 6 weeks. It was hard to see them go and class is a lot different without them.
Well, Brock hall is here!!! His classroom is literally 10 feet from my class, we are not in the same zone, but I will be seeing him a ton everyday!!! Gosh it was so awesome to see him for the first time this week. He is loving it already and doing very well.
From March 13th
Buenas Tardes Familia,
Alright so first things first. Here are the scriptures I would liketo use for my plaques:
Broadway Ward - Matthew 10:39 Eagle Ward - 2 Corinthians 12:10
These scriptures are tight, in fact all scriptures are! I've really come to a strong testimony of the scriptures while I've been here, they are amazing and carry such power, and I know they're true.I know this because I have prayed about them and received the confirmation in my heart that they are. A couple more I'd like to share with you, look up:
- Mosiah 24:14- 2 Nephi 26:30- Helaman 5:12 - my personal BoM Favorite*- My all time favorite scripture, Proverbs 17:28-29, I found this years ago, but never really shared it with anyone. I think when you read it, you'll understand a little bit about why I am the way I am...:)
Perhaps you could read all these together during a family home evening or something, whatevski.
Hahaha sorry to like bombard y'all with this but I just figured Ineeded to. It's important stuff, it's the only stuff to be honest. Mom, you were right, I hated studying for school and stuff cuz it didn't matter all that much to me, haha. But now, I am so motivated to do this kind of work because it actually matters, you know?
(We will be sure to update the blog more often. Thanks for reading!)